Trash- MIC

Morning lovely people! ❤

I’m a little late in the game in posting this fantastic sim, but I had to anyway.

The Trash Art Installation by Mexi Lane is one of the more unique artistic places I have seen in Second Life for awhile. As you can see from the photo’s, there are mounds of trash, expertly put together, and with some amazing textures. It is also an interactive installation. You are able to take a bulldozer and traverse the piles, leading to a more immersive effect. I had a lot of fun with the feature.

There is a museum, music, and an area where couples can dance beside water and sparkling trees.

Trash- MIC 1

Trash- MIC 2

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Sleepy Snail- MetaLES

Afternoon lovely people! ❤

MetaLES is a sim that is purely to promote art and creators in Second Life. Every two months, an artist is able to put up an installation. The current one is stunningly beautiful, and is called Sleepy Snail. It is done by Rebeca Bashly. I thoroughly enjoyed taking pictures there, and encourage others to go take a look with their loved ones or friends, or just to soak it in on their own.

Sleepy Snail- MetaLES 1

Sleepy Snail- MetaLES 2

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